Saturday, October 13, 2018

A Living Nightmare Nears

     In the old days (meaning pre-2017), after being overwhelmed by a depiction of terrifying, dystopian future - as by the film (“1984”) or by the TV series (“A Handmaid’s Tale” on HULU) - one could collapse back deep into one’s chair and exhale the words “Thank goodness that’s not really happening.” Not anymore. 
     Today we are on the threshold of becoming society in which government can decree a lie to be truth and truth to be a lie (“1984’) and one in which the lives of citizens are thoroughly and harshly controlled by a male-dominated government based on hypocritical religious fundamentalism (“A Handmaid’s Tale”). Recent events demonstrate that these nightmare scenarios can no longer be dismissed as far-fetched, futuristic fantasy. 
     If you’re one who’s tempted to sneer at the real and present danger, consoling yourself with the thought “it couldn’t happen here,” do keep in mind that only 80 years ago there were many in one of the most civilized and culturally advanced nations of Europe who were prone to think the same thing - too many of whom shortly after were no longer around to think anything.

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