Thursday, March 15, 2012

What's Your "Surfstopper"?

            (My sincere apology for being absent from my blog for a while.  I’ve had my hands full dealing with an urgent but, thankfully, temporary family health problem.  Anyway ...) 

I’m sure you, at one time or another, have found yourself sitting in front of your TV, remote in hand, channel surfing.  I’m also sure you, while doing this, have had the experience of coming across a favorite movie, and, even though you know the film well, you cease surfing and watch the film to the end.  Let’s call these films “surfstoppers.”  What are your surfstoppers?  Mine include: 

            West Side Story
            Shawshank Redemption
            The Magnificent Seven
            Jurassic Park
            Independence Day
            In the Heat of the Night

I could go on, but let’s hear from you.  What stops you in your tracks?